The Esherick-Ye Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its 2022 competition for small grants of up to $6,000 to support projects in modern Chinese economic, social, and political history or archaeology.  Though some recipients were forced to defer their research trips, this page lists all who were offered awards in 2022. Congratulations to all recipients.

CHEN Guangchen. Assistant Professor. Emory University. “Lost and Found: Antiquarian Collecting and Chinese Modernity.”

CHEN Mian. Ph.D. student. Northwestern University. “Reassembling the Ideological Apparatuses: Propagandists and the Making of the Chinese Communist Propaganda Complex (1921-1965).”

Jing CHENG. Ph. D. student. Yale University. “Collective Activities of Affluent Foragers in Southern China: A case study in Xiajiaoshan.”

Ming-hsi CHU. Ph.D. student. Northwestern University. “The Mother of All Government Affairs: Law and the Transformation of Chinese Tax Culture in Global Context, 1912-1952.”

Ting-chieh OU YANG. Ph.D. student. University of Washington. “China Recharted: Mapping the Chinese Nation in the Late Qing, 1860-1911.”

SU Xin. Ph.D. student. Harvard. “Resources and Society: Lithic production and circulation in the Jianghan area from 1600 to 1100 BC.”

XU Chang. PhD. student. Washington University, St. Louis. “Medicine on the March: Military Institutions, Medical Networks, and the Qing Empire, 1644-1800.”